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Do­cu­men­tation on the ce­le­bratory week "10 years of the Berlin Edu­cation Pro­gramme" with the In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin 09/2014

Launched in 2004 by the In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin under the di­rection of Dr Christa Preissing, the Berlin Edu­cation Pro­gramme has since been making an impact for the youngest children and their fa­milies in terms of good edu­cation, up­bringing and care for children in daycare fa­ci­lities. Tog­ether with Berlin's Se­nator for Edu­cation Sandra Scheeres and num­erous guests, the mo­thers and fa­thers of the edu­cation pro­gramme ce­le­brated the start of a week of fes­ti­vities on 22 Sep­tember 2014 with a va­riety of work­shops and spe­cialist pre­sen­ta­tions. The Berlin Kita In­stitute for Quality De­ve­lo­pment (BeKi) and the In­stitute for the Si­tua­tional Ap­proach (ISTA) at INA played a key role in the de­ve­lo­pment of the edu­cation programme.

Do­cu­men­tation on the "10 years of the Berlin edu­cation pro­gramme" ce­le­bra­tions 
You can find Dr Preissing's pre­sen­tation here.

Opening speech by the Se­nator for Education

Opening lecture by Christa Preissing