

Get to know us

What we do

The In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin (INA) for In­no­vative Edu­cation, Psy­chology and Eco­nomics is a non-profit or­ga­ni­sation that carries out de­ve­lo­pment, prac­tical and re­search pro­jects as well as further edu­cation and training. It works na­tio­nally and in­ter­na­tio­nally on the de­ve­lo­pment of an in­ter­di­sci­plinary dis­course between edu­cation, psy­chology and economics.

Re­search and development 

INA gGmbH is com­mitted to the ge­ne­rally re­co­g­nised stan­dards of sci­en­tific work in com­pliance with the ethical stan­dards of (social) research.

Edu­ca­tional offers

The in­sti­tutes of the In­ter­na­tionale Aka­demie Berlin gGmbH offer training pro­grammes as well as further edu­cation and training op­por­tu­nities in the form of lec­tures, se­minars, work­shops and re­search workshops.

Coun­selling and process support

In the area of pro­fes­sional coun­selling and support, INA gGmbH is broadly po­si­tioned in line with its in­ter­di­sci­plinary nature and the di­versity of the in­sti­tutes. Working as a team en­ables us to combine dif­ferent formats of pro­fes­sional communication.

What we move


You can find out more about our pro­jects here.

Thinking and acting, re­se­ar­ching and de­ve­loping in­ter­cul­tu­rally across borders