Science in the service of people


Anti-dis­cri­mi­nation advice centre "KiDs – Protect children from discrimination!"

(as of 2020)

The KiDs coun­selling centre is aimed at all children in Berlin between the ages of 0 and 12 who ex­pe­rience discrimination(s).

The coun­selling service re­lates to ex­pe­ri­ences of dis­cri­mi­nation at nursery, in the tran­sition from nursery to primary school and at primary school. In order to cover all areas of children's lives, the coun­selling also in­cludes after-school care, school social work, sports and music clubs, go­vernment of­fices and other places where children spend time and ex­pe­rience discrimination.

Coun­selling is not only aimed at children af­fected by dis­cri­mi­nation, but also at adults who have taken on the re­spon­si­bility of pro­tecting children from dis­cri­mi­nation – i.e. parents and guar­dians, ca­re­givers, edu­cators, te­a­chers and other edu­ca­tional professionals/​leaders. Not only in­di­vidual cases of dis­cri­mi­nation can be dis­cussed during coun­selling, but also cases in which the or­ga­ni­sation or structure of an in­sti­tution can have a dis­cri­mi­natory effect on children.

Th­rough coun­selling, the coun­selling centre aims to help children de­velop wi­thout dis­cri­mi­nation and learn to defend them­selves against dis­cri­mi­nation at an early stage. For this very reason, a central com­ponent of adultism-sen­sitive coun­selling is to con­sis­t­ently in­clude the child's per­spective in the coun­selling process in order to align the coun­selling process and the so­lution ap­proaches with the needs of the children. De­pending on the in­di­vidual case, we also in­volve the children di­rectly in the coun­selling process in order to make their needs and sug­ges­tions vi­sible and in­cor­porate them into the further coun­selling process.

The coun­selling centre is lo­cated in the

Nau­nyn­straße 64
10997 Berlin
Office: 030 80206900
Phone coun­selling: 030 80206323

The anti-dis­cri­mi­nation advice centre "KiDs – Kinder vor Dis­kri­mi­nierung schützen!" is funded by the State Office for Equal Tre­atment – Against Dis­cri­mi­nation of the Berlin Senate De­partment for Ju­stice, Con­sumer Pro­tection and Anti-Dis­cri­mi­nation. Co-fi­nancing is pro­vided by the Senate De­partment for Edu­cation, Youth and Family.