Get to know us

Our structure

bodies of the company


With the amendment of the ar­ticles of as­so­ciation by the share­holders' meeting in June 2006, INA gGmbH was given a new "pre­si­dential structure" that is ori­en­tated towards aca­demic practices.

The Exe­cutive Com­mittee con­sists of the Pre­sident and three Vice Pre­si­dents, who are re­spon­sible for dif­ferent matters.

The other bodies of the company are

  • the share­holders' meeting,
  • the ma­nagement,
  • the INA in­sti­tutes, their in­stitute di­rectors and the in­stitute conference.

Ho­norary members can also be appointed.


Prof Dr Maria-The­resia Albert
Nicole Berse-Schaks
Hen­riette Heim­gaertner
Dr Yihong Hu
Dr Doris Klap­penbach-Lentz
Dr Sophie Ko­tanyi
Mat­thias Kracht
An­gelika Krüger
Milena Lauer
Katrin Macha
Dr Britta Marschke
Dr Katja Mruck
An­driana Noack
Dr Sylke Piéch
Rubina Vock
Petra Wagner


Audrey Hoffmann

On 23 Ja­nuary 2020, the Share­holders' Meeting ap­pointed Audrey Hoffmann as Ma­naging Di­rector of INA.


Mat­thias Kracht
Milena Lauer
Katrin Macha
Rubina Vock

In­sti­tutes and in­stitute directors

We promote free sci­en­tific dis­course, co-con­s­truction and know­ledge transfer at eye level.