In­ter­cul­tural across borders

In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin for In­no­vative Pe­dagogy, Psy­chology and Eco­nomics gGmbH (INA)


The In­ter­na­tionale Aka­demie Berlin für in­no­vative Pä­da­gogik, Psy­cho­logie und Öko­nomie gGmbH stands for peace and se­curity in the world.
These days we re­flect on the past year and ex­press our so­li­darity here and now with people worldwide who are af­fected by war, dis­pla­cement and flight.
Given our geo­gra­phical pro­ximity, we were par­ti­cu­larly af­fected by two mi­litary con­flicts.
We condemn in the strongest pos­sible terms the Russian war of ag­gression against Ukraine, which has now been going on for 22 months, and call for an im­me­diate end to the vio­lence.
Fur­thermore, we are ap­palled by the cruel at­tacks by Hamas on Israel, which have af­fected children, young people, fa­milies and people in every way, and we condemn this. We also condemn and demand an im­me­diate stop to the vio­lence against children, young people, fa­milies and people in Gaza.
Our thoughts are with the in­nocent victims and their fa­milies in all wars around the world, and we are com­mitted to finding just and lasting peace solutions.

It is im­portant to the em­ployees of INA gGmbH that we are com­mitted to a world We want to strengthen a world in which peace and com­passion pr­evail and in which we condemn any kind of mi­litary conflict.

The In­ter­na­tionale Aka­demie Berlin für in­no­vative Pä­da­gogik, Psy­cho­logie und Öko­nomie gGmbH stands for peace and se­curity in the world.
These days we are re­flecting on the past year and ex­pressing our so­li­darity here and now with people worldwide who are af­fected by war, dis­pla­cement and flight.
Given our geo­gra­phical pro­ximity, two mi­litary con­flicts have par­ti­cu­larly af­fected us.
We condemn in the strongest pos­sible terms the Russian war of ag­gression against Ukraine, which has now been going on for 22 months, and call for an im­me­diate end to the vio­lence.
Fur­thermore, we are ap­palled by the cruel at­tacks by Hamas on Israel, which have af­fected children, young people, fa­milies and people in every way, and we condemn this. We also condemn and demand an im­me­diate end to the vio­lence against children, young people, fa­milies and people in Gaza.
Our thoughts are with the in­nocent victims and their fa­milies in all wars around the world, and we are com­mitted to just and lasting peace solutions.

It is im­portant to the em­ployees of INA gGmbH that we stand up for a world in which peace and com­passion pr­evail and in which we condemn any kind of mi­litary conflict.

Central points

Who we are

The In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin (INA) for In­no­vative Pe­dagogy, Psy­chology and Eco­nomics is a non-profit or­ga­ni­sation that has been car­rying out de­ve­lo­pment, prac­tical and re­search pro­jects as well as further edu­cation and training since 1996. It works na­tio­nally and in­ter­na­tio­nally on the de­ve­lo­pment of an in­ter­di­sci­plinary dis­course between edu­cation, psy­chology and economics.

INA's central concern is the rea­li­sation of in­ter­di­sci­plinary co­ope­ration in edu­cation, re­search and practice de­ve­lo­pment with re­fe­rence to sci­en­tific fin­dings on key social pro­blems and par­ti­ci­pation in ch­anges to the edu­cation system from kin­der­garten to uni­versity. Th­rough com­mu­ni­cation and co-ope­ration across the boun­daries of di­sci­plines and na­tional spe­cialist tra­di­tions, it pro­motes free sci­en­tific dis­course, co-con­s­truction and know­ledge transfer on an equal footing.

It in­itiates in­no­vative pro­jects and de­ve­lo­p­ments. With its mission statement "Science in the service of people", it is guided by the prin­ciples of con­cepts such as li­felong learning, social en­tre­pre­neurship, em­powerment, di­versity com­pe­tence and – most im­portantly – the si­tua­tional approach.

It is a member of the Pa­ri­tä­tische Wohl­fahrts­verband Berlin and a si­gnatory to the Di­versity Charter.


in the

Ser­vices to people


The in­sti­tutes of the In­ter­na­tionale Aka­demie Berlin gGmbH offer training pro­grammes as well as further edu­cation and training op­por­tu­nities in the form of lec­tures, se­minars, work­shops and re­search work­shops. Our aim is to de­velop and provide practice-ori­en­tated training and further edu­cation con­cepts based on re­search and sci­en­tific theory with a na­tional and in­ter­na­tional ori­en­tation for po­litics, business and so­ciety in ex­cel­lence quality. We work ac­cording to four quality di­men­sions to sys­te­ma­ti­cally de­velop and safe­guard the quality of our con­ti­nuing edu­cation programmes. 

Coun­selling and process support

In the area of pro­fes­sional coun­selling and support, INA gGmbH is broadly po­si­tioned in ac­cordance with its in­ter­di­sci­pli­narity and the di­versity of the in­sti­tutes. Working as a team en­ables us to combine dif­ferent formats of pro­fes­sional communication.

Training, spe­cialist and policy advice achieve the needs- and re­source-ori­en­tated transfer or training of skills and abilities, me­tho­do­lo­gical or content-re­lated know-how. 

Process support in­cludes pro­fes­sional com­mu­ni­cation formats such as coa­ching, su­per­vision, me­diation, mo­de­ration and evaluation. 

Re­search and development

INA gGmbH is com­mitted to the ge­ne­rally re­co­g­nised stan­dards of sci­en­tific work in com­pliance with the ethical stan­dards of (social) re­search. It is re­co­g­nised by the German Re­search Foun­dation (DFG) and in the course of this has re­co­g­nised the DFG's re­com­men­da­tions for safe­guarding good sci­en­tific practice, as de­ve­loped by the com­mission "Self-re­gu­lation in science" in 1997 and sub­se­quently ad­opted by all sci­en­tific in­sti­tu­tions. The INA is a member of the German So­ciety for Eva­luation (De­GEval), the re­nowned as­so­ciation for sci­en­tific and in­ter­na­tio­nally active or­ga­ni­sa­tions and in­sti­tu­tions in Germany.

What sets us apart

INA in facts and figures

Asset 1
Asset 56
Asset 59
People trained in me­diative com­mu­ni­cation for me­diation, coa­ching, training and fa­ci­li­tation since 2009
0 +
Asset 53
re­gis­tered readers of the online journal Forum Qua­li­tative So­zi­al­for­schung / Forum: Qua­li­tative Social Research
0 +
Asset 38
Pre-start-up coa­ching as­sessment centre with 180 par­ti­ci­pants con­ducted vir­tually and hybrid since 2020
Asset 50
the children's per­spective on the quality of the daycare centre
0 +
Asset 4
Ex­ternal eva­lua­tions in daycare centres
0 +
Asset 48
Ci­tizens and com­mu­nities di­rectly in­volved in YEPP Europe ac­ti­vities in the last two years
0 +
Female Teacher
Te­a­chers trained on the topic of world heritage
0 +

What we move


You can find out more about our pro­jects here.