Science in the service of people


Ex­ternal eva­luation Elb­kinder As­so­ciation Hamburg

(since 2016)

Since autumn 2016, we have been running daycare centres in the Elb­kinder As­so­ciation of Hamburg Daycare Centres ex­ternal eva­lua­tions ac­cording to QuaSi on the organisation's quality promises.

We started with a pilot phase in twelve daycare centres and have now im­ple­mented our ex­tended ex­ternal eva­luation process in more than 60 fa­ci­lities.
During the pilot phase, we tri­alled the survey of children's per­spec­tives in close co­ope­ration with the pro­vider. This newly ac­quired view of daycare centre quality proved to be ex­tremely va­luable after just a short time. The children often give us im­portant im­pulses, which we pass on to the teams as com­pre­hen­sively and cor­rectly as pos­sible so that the day-to-day running of the daycare centre can con­tinue to de­velop in the in­te­rests of the children. Each daycare centre re­ceives a final report that in­cludes all the per­spec­tives in­volved and, on this basis, con­tains both a de­scription of the current work and re­com­men­da­tions for further work.

We are de­lighted with the con­s­tructive and trusting co­ope­ration with the daycare centres and the pro­vider from the very be­ginning. We are par­ti­cu­larly pleased that the daycare centre teams are now looking forward to the ex­ternal eva­lua­tions with ex­ci­tement and an­ti­ci­pation.
During the eva­luation in­ter­views at the end of the ex­ternal eva­lua­tions, they re­pea­tedly give us feedback that they ex­pe­rience the process as very be­ne­ficial for the quality de­ve­lo­pment of their edu­ca­tional work and the daycare centre. The te­a­chers find it very po­sitive that their daily work is re­co­g­nised and app­re­ciated. The de­tailed ob­ser­va­tions of the si­tuation, the children's per­spective and the cus­to­mised re­com­men­da­tions are rated by the te­a­chers as par­ti­cu­larly en­ri­ching, as is the pro­fes­sional ex­change within the team that is sti­mu­lated as a result.