
Re­spon­si­bility ac­cording to § 5 Te­le­me­di­en­gesetz (TMG)

In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin for In­no­vative Pe­dagogy, Psy­chology and Eco­nomics gGmbH (INA)
Nas­sauische Strasse 5
10717 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 57701098–0
Fax: +49 (0)30 57701098–9
E‑mail: info@​inaberlin.​org

Com­mercial re­gister:
Re­gister court: Berlin-Char­lot­tenburg Local Court, HRB 60456

VAT ID No.: DE 227525000

Re­pre­sented by the ma­nagement:
Audrey Hoffmann

Phone: +49 (0)157 / 34 52 81 73
E‑mail: hoffmann@​inaberlin.​org

Edi­to­rially re­spon­sible:
Audrey Hoffmann

Legal in­for­mation
Con­sumer Dispute Re­so­lution Act/​Universal Ar­bi­tration Centre
We are not willing or ob­liged to par­ti­cipate in dispute re­so­lution pro­cee­dings before a con­sumer ar­bi­tration board.

Lia­bility and disclaimer

Li­mi­tation of lia­bility:
The content of this website has been com­piled with the greatest pos­sible care. Ho­wever, the pro­vider as­sumes no lia­bility for the ac­curacy, com­ple­teness and time­liness of the content pro­vided. Lia­bility claims against the pro­vider re­lating to ma­terial or im­ma­terial damage caused by the use or non-use of the in­for­mation pro­vided or by in­correct or in­com­plete in­for­mation are fun­da­men­tally ex­cluded. The pro­vider ex­pressly re­serves the right to change, sup­plement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer wi­thout prior notice or to tem­po­r­arily or per­ma­nently cease publication.

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This website con­tains links to third-party web­sites ("ex­ternal links"). These web­sites are subject to the lia­bility of the re­spective ope­rators. When the ex­ternal links were first created, the pro­vider checked the third-party content for any legal vio­la­tions. No legal of­fences were ap­parent at that time. The pro­vider has no in­fluence whatsoever on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The in­clusion of ex­ternal links does not mean that the pro­vider adopts the content behind the re­fe­rence or link as its own. It is not re­asonable for the pro­vider to con­stantly mo­nitor these ex­ternal links wi­thout con­crete evi­dence of legal vio­la­tions. Ho­wever, such ex­ternal links will be de­leted im­me­diately if we become aware of any legal violations.

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The content pu­blished on this website is subject to German co­py­right and an­cillary co­py­right law. Any use not aut­ho­rised by German co­py­right and an­cillary co­py­right law re­quires the prior written consent of the pro­vider or re­spective rights holder. This ap­plies in par­ti­cular to the du­pli­cation, editing, trans­lation, storage, pro­cessing or re­pro­duction of content in da­ta­bases or other elec­tronic media and systems. Third-party content and rights are la­belled as such. The un­aut­ho­rised re­pro­duction or dis­tri­bution of in­di­vidual con­tents or com­plete pages is not per­mitted and is pu­nis­hable by law. Only the pro­duction of copies and down­loads for per­sonal, private and non-com­mercial use is per­mitted.
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Legal va­lidity of this dis­claimer:
This dis­claimer is to be re­garded as part of the in­ternet pu­bli­cation which you were re­ferred from. If sec­tions or in­di­vidual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or va­lidity of the other parts remain un­in­fluenced by this fact.