
Re­search and development

Ethical stan­dards

Sci­en­tific work

INA gGmbH is com­mitted to the ge­ne­rally re­co­g­nised stan­dards of sci­en­tific work in com­pliance with the ethical stan­dards of (social) re­search. It is re­co­g­nised by the German Re­search Foun­dation (DFG) and in the course of this has re­co­g­nised the DFG's re­com­men­da­tions for safe­guarding good sci­en­tific practice, as de­ve­loped by the com­mission "Self-re­gu­lation in science" in 1997 and sub­se­quently ad­opted by all sci­en­tific in­sti­tu­tions. The INA is a member of the German So­ciety for Eva­luation (De­GEval), the re­nowned as­so­ciation for sci­en­tific and in­ter­na­tio­nally active or­ga­ni­sa­tions and in­sti­tu­tions in Germany.