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The INA gGmbH

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About us

Thinking and acting, re­se­ar­ching and de­ve­loping in­ter­cul­tu­rally across borders

The In­ter­na­tionale Aka­demie Berlin für in­no­vative Pä­da­gogik, Psy­cho­logie und Öko­nomie gGmbH (INA) was founded in 1996 by Prof. em. Dr Jürgen Zimmer, Dr Christa Preissing and other partners at the Freie Uni­ver­sität Berlin. INA carries out de­ve­lo­pment, prac­tical and re­search pro­jects as well as further edu­cation and training pro­grammes. The INA brings tog­ether in­sti­tu­tions, groups and in­di­vi­duals who have been working suc­cessfully in their re­spective di­sci­plines for many years, but who have also re­co­g­nised the need to re­search and teach beyond the boun­daries of their own di­sci­pline. The INA works na­tio­nally and in­ter­na­tio­nally. It en­dea­vours to de­velop an in­ter­di­sci­plinary dis­course between edu­cation, psy­chology and eco­nomics. In all areas of INA's work, the question of meaningful in­ter­di­sci­plinary com­ple­men­tarity and co-ope­ration is the­r­efore ad­dressed in theory, practice and training.

Think glo­bally, act locally


The INA is an in­sti­tu­tional um­brella under which a number of in­sti­tutes have joined forces.

The in­sti­tu­tio­na­li­sation of this network in the form of an academy creates a better framework for the de­ve­lo­pment and im­ple­men­tation of the pro­jects of the par­ti­ci­pating in­sti­tu­tions as well as a joint dis­cussion forum. The work of the In­ter­na­tional Academy is cha­rac­te­rised by the crossing of di­sci­plinary and geo­gra­phical boun­daries. The merger into the In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin is in­tended to create better or­ga­ni­sa­tional con­di­tions for the de­ve­lo­pment of new initiatives.

It is no co­in­ci­dence that the structure of the Academy's areas of work is based less on spe­cialist di­sci­plines, nor on project focal points, and more on pa­ra­dig­matic ap­proaches to reality.

It can be re­co­g­nised that the dis­si­milar siblings – pe­dagogy of the se­rious case, economy from below and social psy­cho­ana­lysis – are re­lated to each other: They start from life si­tua­tions, they do not adapt people to in­sti­tu­tions of a pe­dago­gical or the­ra­peutic nature, but rather move in the op­posite di­rection towards these people.

In this re­spect, the statement by Ivan Illich, critic (1926 – 2002) is true for all areas of the academy: A great deal of learning does not result from in­s­truction. Rather, it is the result of un­hin­dered par­ti­ci­pation in a re­levant environment.

Social psy­cho­ana­lysis pe­ne­trates the modes of action of the economy in its sym­bolic me­dia­tions. At the same time, it de­scribes the framework con­di­tions of a pe­dagogy whose aim is to capture and de­velop real living con­di­tions, in­cluding their ma­terial foundations.

Think glo­bally, act lo­cally. The Academy fo­cuses on the cul­tural di­versity of this world and works interculturally.

Seven principles 

The Academy is guided in its work and or­ga­ni­sation by seven principles 


Our structure 

The structure of INA gGmbH 


Our statutes 

The Ar­ticles of As­so­ciation of INA gGmbH 


The Academy fo­cuses on the cul­tural di­versity of this world and works interculturally.