In­stitute for
Qua­li­tative research 


Nas­sauische Strasse 5
10717 Berlin


Prof Dr Günter Mey
Dr Katja Mruck
Rubina Vock


+49 (0)30 57701098–8


Brief de­scription

About the IQF

The In­stitute for Qua­li­tative Re­search serves to promote, dis­se­minate and further de­velop qua­li­tative me­thods in re­search and tea­ching by pro­viding in­for­mation, do­cu­men­tation, re­sources, coun­selling, further edu­cation and net­working for qua­li­tative researchers.

Offers and ac­ti­vities of the In­stitute for Qua­li­tative Research:

  • Tea­ching and training programmes
  • Or­ga­ni­sation of the Berlin Me­tho­do­lo­gical Meeting Qua­li­tative Research
  • Pu­bli­cation of the FQS magazine
  • Car­rying out re­search and eva­luation studies
  • Me­tho­do­lo­gical coun­selling and re­search supervision
  • De­ve­lo­pment and support of networks
  • De­ve­lo­pment of sus­tainable re­sources for qua­li­tative research

The In­stitute for Qua­li­tative Re­search co-ope­rates with many na­tional and in­ter­na­tional institutions.

Berlin Me­tho­do­lo­gical Meeting Qua­li­tative Research

Annual event with lec­tures, re­search work­shops and work­shopswhich serves to promote ex­change and net­working and is the largest event in the field of qua­li­tative re­search in the German-speaking world.

Mailing list Qua­li­tative Social Re­search (QSF‑L)

Elec­tronic ex­change, in­for­mation and contact forum for qua­li­tative social re­search in German-speaking countries, which is open to par­ti­ci­pants from dif­ferent di­sci­plines and fields of re­search and practice who would like to learn about or ex­change ideas on qua­li­tative social research.

Forum Qua­li­tative So­zi­al­for­schung / Forum: Qua­li­tative Social Re­search (FQS)

Bi­lingual peer-re­viewed open access journal with around 23,000 re­gis­tered readers worldwide.


Re­gular work­shops on va­rious me­thods of qua­li­tative social research.

Asset 56
Ar­ticle in the online journal Forum Qua­li­tative So­zi­al­for­schung / Forum: Qua­li­tative Social Research
0 +
Asset 53
re­gis­tered readers of the online journal Forum Qua­li­tative So­zi­al­for­schung / Forum: Qua­li­tative Social Research
0 +
Asset 38
Par­ti­ci­pants at the annual Berlin me­tho­do­lo­gical meeting for qua­li­tative re­search methods
0 +

Pro­motion, dis­se­mi­nation and further de­ve­lo­pment of qua­li­tative me­thods in re­search and teaching