In­stitute for the Si­tua­tional Approach


Mus­kauer Street 53
10997 Berlin


Katrin Macha (Di­rector)


+49 (0)30 6953999–0


Get to know us

About the ISTA

The In­stitute for the Si­tua­tional Ap­proach (ISTA) spe­cia­lises in the early childhood edu­cation, up­bringing and care of children in daycare fa­ci­lities. The pe­dago­gical concept of the si­tua­tional ap­proach is the basis for all ISTA activities:

The si­tua­tional ap­proach is a so­phisti­cated and modern edu­ca­tional concept that meets the de­mands of life in a time of change, trans­for­mation, con­tra­dic­tions, risk, di­versity and per­sonal re­spon­si­bility. The si­tua­tional ap­proach has its roots in ele­mentary edu­cation and has also been ad­apted for other edu­ca­tional in­sti­tu­tions in recent years.

The Si­tua­tional ap­proach is based on the fun­da­mental as­sumption that children have their own rights from the outset and are re­spon­sible for their own de­ve­lo­pment. They take the steps ne­cessary for their de­ve­lo­pment th­rough their own ac­tivity. Adults are re­spon­sible for sup­porting children in their en­dea­vours to de­velop th­rough re­liable re­la­ti­onships and a sti­mu­lating environment.

The edu­ca­tional goals – Au­tonomy, so­li­darity, com­pe­tence – are ori­en­tated towards basic de­mo­cratic values and social de­ve­lo­p­ments. They cover es­sential areas of per­sonal de­ve­lo­pment – ego, social and subject-re­lated skills. The aim is to un­der­stand children and their de­ve­lo­p­mental needs in their si­tua­tions and to promote children's abilities to cope well with them­selves, with others and with so­me­thing. By re­co­g­nising their dif­ferent pre­vious ex­pe­ri­ences and ways of ex­pressing them­selves, edu­cators en­courage children to par­ti­cipate in social pro­cesses in a creative way. Self-will and com­munity spirit belong together.

The ac­qui­sition of know­ledge and skills takes place th­rough par­ti­ci­pation in real life, in which children play a role as acting sub­jects, in which the ac­qui­sition of know­ledge and skills has meaning and si­gni­fi­cance for them.

The si­tua­tional ap­proach "is an in­vi­tation to engage with life" (Jürgen Zimmer). It takes the life si­tua­tions of children and their fa­milies as a starting point, de­velops them as learning si­tua­tions and for­mu­lates the claim that children, young people and adults shape their living en­vi­ronment tog­ether and in­fluence social processes.

The si­tua­tional ap­proach "is an in­vi­tation to engage with life"

Jürgen Zimmer

Theo­re­tical dimensions

This is done taking into ac­count the fol­lowing theo­re­tical dimensions:

Life­world ori­en­tation as a prin­ciple that makes the he­te­ro­ge­neous socio-cul­tural and in­di­vidual life si­tua­tions the content and re­fe­rence point of pro­fes­sional work and en­ables learning in real-life situations.

Edu­cation: It pursues an un­der­standing of edu­cation that pro­motes the ac­qui­sition of factual and me­tho­do­lo­gical com­pe­tence in social con­texts and en­cou­rages all those in­volved in the edu­ca­tional process to shape their present and future life si­tua­tions in an en­ligh­tened and com­petent, self-de­ter­mined manner and in so­li­darity with others.

Par­ti­ci­pation as a fun­da­mental right of children and parents and as a con­sistent at­titude of edu­cators that con­stantly re­flects on the unequal re­la­ti­onship between re­co­g­nised holders of rights and re­sources and those who must first conquer these rights and re­sources and makes co-de­ter­mi­nation a central theme.

Equality and dif­fe­rence: Re­co­g­nising the di­versity of people on the basis of equal rights for all, com­bined with con­sistent and active re­sis­tance to all forms of dis­cri­mi­nation and exclusion.

Unity of content and form: Cri­ti­cally re­flecting on the "secret cur­ricula" of edu­ca­tional in­sti­tu­tions and opening up and de­ve­loping them into places of pro­ductive living, learning and working

16 con­ceptual prin­ciples of the si­tua­tional approach

As complex as the world in which children live is, the chal­lenges for edu­cators are just as varied. The prac­tical re­qui­re­ments for day-to-day ac­ti­vities in daycare centres are 16 con­ceptual prin­ciples of the si­tua­tional ap­proach are for­mu­lated. They provide gui­dance on how edu­ca­tional work should be planned and or­ga­nised so that children can ac­quire the ne­cessary know­ledge and skills in a sti­mu­lating environment.

(Preissing, Christa / Heller, Elke (eds.) (2009): Quality in the Si­tua­tional Ap­proach. Quality cri­teria and ma­te­rials for quality de­ve­lo­pment in child day care centres. 2nd edition. Cor­nelsen Scriptor)

Com­bining action and re­flection in the spirit of Paulo Freire:

At ISTA, we work on the further de­ve­lo­pment and dis­se­mi­nation of the si­tua­tional ap­proach in theory and practice. In doing so, we take to heart the com­bi­nation of action and re­flection in the spirit of Paulo Freire:

  • We carry out prac­tical re­search pro­jects in order to un­der­stand the changing rea­lities of children's and fa­milies' lives and to de­velop prac­tical con­cepts tog­ether with educators.
  • We offer our concept of quality de­ve­lo­pment and assu­rance to daycare centres and schools.
  • We are in­volved in the de­ve­lo­pment of edu­ca­tional programmes.
  • We offer training and further education.
  • We present our fin­dings for dis­cussion in lec­tures, pu­bli­ca­tions and events.
  • We pass on our know­ledge with expert re­ports, expert opi­nions and advice.
  • We co­operate with in­sti­tu­tions and in­di­vi­duals and network at na­tional, Eu­ropean (e.g. in the Eu­ropean DECET network) and in­ter­na­tional (e.g. ISSA In­ter­na­tional Step By Step As­so­ciation, RECE Re­con­cep­tua­lising Early Childhood Edu­cation) level.
Asset 50
the children's per­spective on the quality of the daycare centre
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Asset 4
Ex­ternal eva­lua­tions in daycare centres
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