
Pre-start-up coa­ching assessment

Pre-start-up coa­ching as­sessment in the "Coa­ching before start-up" programme

Since 2016, we, Audrey Hoffmann (Ma­naging Di­rector of INA gGmbH, coach and active in adult edu­cation for over 25 years) and Ines Wanka (coach, coun­sellor and me­diator), have been sup­porting founders in Berlin on their first steps towards self-em­ployment in pre-foun­dation coa­ching as­sess­ments.
The "Coa­ching vor der Gründung" pro­gramme of the Senate De­partment for Labour, Social Af­fairs, Equality, In­te­gration, Di­versity and Anti-Dis­cri­mi­nation (Sen­ASGIVA) offers people who want to start a business the op­por­tunity to qualify for 30 hours of in­di­vidual coa­ching as part of a four-day as­sessment. All ques­tions that arise during a start-up can then be asked there. The coaches provide support in de­ve­loping the market entry strategy, business and fi­nancial plans are drawn up, ques­tions about the unique selling pro­po­sition are cla­rified and work is done on the founder's own per­so­nality.
We got to know se­veral hundred founders at the start of their self-em­ployment, stayed in contact with many of them and ex­pe­ri­enced the ups and downs of the start-up process.


Photo by Sedat Amish
Sedat Amish
Owner Pro­fes­sional eco-cleaning UG

I always wanted to start my own business, the pro­fession I had learnt just wasn't so­me­thing I was pas­sionate about. I had a rough idea of what I wanted to do. I wanted to start a 100 % eco­lo­gical com­mercial cleaning company, but how exactly should I do it, what should I start with first? I had so many ques­tions. But I knew I had to do it now, I thought about it every day.
I became more and more in­te­rested in what and how you can become self-em­ployed. Then I became aware of the "Coa­ching before starting up" pro­gramme. But you had to do an as­sessment first.
To be com­pletely honest, I didn't know exactly what an as­sessment was either. I only knew that if I passed the course, I would get coa­ching hours. So­me­thing like a ri­gorous exam, that's how I ima­gined it.
But when I ar­rived at the ap­pointment, it was com­pletely dif­ferent. A very re­laxed at­mo­sphere, a fri­endly group and super nice "ex­aminers" – Audrey and Ines in­tro­duced them­selves and im­me­diately wanted us all to be on first-name terms. I im­me­diately felt very welcome and at ease.
I soon rea­lised that there were very dif­ferent people in the room with very dif­ferent ideas for self-em­ployment. They had si­milar ques­tions and didn't know where to start. They were all in a si­milar si­tuation. Then I rea­lised – wow – I'm not the first and I im­me­diately wanted to find out more about what the others were doing.
Audrey and Ines ex­plained the first task to us. We had to briefly sum­marise our idea and present it to the others in one minute. That was the so-called ele­vator pitch. Everyone else then had to give us brief feedback. It's not as easy as it sounds. I was always afraid to speak in front of strangers, but I had to do it straight away. 

For­t­u­nately, it went better than I ex­pected, I pre­sented my idea to an eco­lo­gical building cleaning company. I lis­tened to the feedback af­ter­wards. It was super precise and very honest and rather po­sitive. It was my first win. I had al­ready learnt two things.

  1. It's not that dif­ficult to talk in front of strangers. I'm better than I think I am. 

  2. Germans are the best at giving feedback. 

This exercise was very helpful for me be­cause I learnt so much about myself. On the other hand, I also heard ideas from the other par­ti­ci­pants that I wouldn't have thought of in a hundred life­times. That was the first exercise of the first day. Further exer­cises and days fol­lowed.
I thought the as­sessment course was great right from the start. All the exer­cises were very in­te­resting, the coaches ans­wered all our ques­tions and we also took va­rious tests. The whole ex­pe­rience was unfor­gettable.
I can re­commend this pro­gramme to everyone. 

Audrey and Ines are very pro­fes­sional and also very fri­endly. They are the reason why the as­sessment courses are so in­te­resting and helpful.

I be­lieve it pro­vided a de­cisive im­petus for my path to self-em­ployment.
I have been Ma­naging Di­rector of Pro­fes­sional eco cleaning for a year now. I have per­se­vered th­rough the co­ro­na­virus year, and de­spite all the dif­fi­culties, I am con­ti­nuing to de­velop.
I think I'm on the right track, getting closer and closer to my goal. 

Thanks for ever­y­thing INA!
Yours sin­cerely
Sedat Amish

Christine Müller
Sus­taina­bility expert, author, trainer, free­lance expert

When I think back to my first (and only) as­sessment centre at the Frau­en­Tech­nik­Zentrum Berlin e. V. today, in March 2021, shortly before my 50th bir­thday, it seems to me as if a lot of de ja-vu's are taking place.
A lot has hap­pened in these four-plus years. And yet it still feels like yes­terday. In keeping with this feeling, I talked about my AC just last week in my online start-up workshop from 25–26 Fe­bruary 2021 for the Volks­hoch­schule (Vhs) Pankow. Espe­cially be­cause in the course, after ex­plaining the nu­me­rical part of the business plan, I also re­ferred to the added value of the ele­vator pitch for cus­tomer ac­qui­sition and self-mar­keting. The ele­vator pitch was one of the central building blocks in the AC to present your business idea to other people and po­tential cus­tomers.
After the two-day start-up workshop at the end of Fe­bruary, I rea­lised once again: wi­thout your own com­mitment and will, even the best fi­gures won't help.
Mo­ti­vated by Audrey Hoffmann's re­quest, I took an­other look at my do­cu­ments for the AC at the Frau­en­Tech­nik­Zentrum Berlin e. V from 28.11.2016 to 01.12.2016. Audrey herself was one of our trainers at the AC tog­ether with Ines Wanka.
The AC was the pre­re­quisite for me to sub­se­quently re­ceive free coa­ching in the pre-start-up phase from the Berlin Senate as part of the "Coa­ching ser­vices in the pre-start-up phase" funding pro­gramme.
In the final as­sessment of the level of know­ledge and skills, Audrey Hoffmann cer­tified "en­thu­siasm" as my key skill. And that is exactly what I, now in the role of trainer myself, passed on to my par­ti­ci­pants last week as the most im­portant thing in setting up the company – "en­thu­siasm". Here is the ori­ginal quote: "Mrs Müller was one of the most com­mitted par­ti­ci­pants in the AC. (…) The en­thu­siasm for her idea and the un­con­di­tional will to succeed were present on all AC days."
I didn't realise the self-em­ployment I had ori­gi­nally planned in the AC in 2017, but I re­mained true to my pro­fes­sional life concept: I am and will remain a self-em­ployed person with heart and soul.
I say that who­le­he­ar­tedly. Th­rough Corona and Covid 19, I became my own brand CM Christine Müller (https://​mueller​-christine​.de) after more than 20 years of pro­fes­sional ex­pe­rience. Since Ja­nuary 2021, I have been working on my third RE­START as a free­lance trainer, lec­turer and author for edu­cation and sustainability.

PS: To com­plete the deja vu effect at the end, I should also mention that the coach at my side and my sparring partner, this time fi­nanced by myself, is the same one who ac­com­panied me during my second self-em­ployment in 2017.

Mirvat Adwan/​ Ghatfan Mahmoud
Ka­lamon In­stitute for Arabic Language

What was the at­mo­sphere like?
Very nice and fri­endly at­mo­sphere.
The pre­sen­tation style was very good. Ever­y­thing was very varied and in­ter­active and the per­sonal en­vi­ronment was created with many prac­tical examples. 

How did the me­thods help you?
I am glad that I had the chance to take part. You also heard about other ideas and vi­sions. It was very helpful for me to develop/​assess a vision for the next 1 – 2 years.
The group work was also good. The role play was par­ti­cu­larly good be­cause you could si­mulate social reality in the game and get an idea of what pro­blems might arise in the future and how you should react spon­ta­neously and confidently. 

Did you per­ceive it as an as­sessment or rather as, for ex­ample, group coa­ching before the coa­ching?
I found it more like group coa­ching than an as­sessment. The coaches were very per­sonable and thought along with us as a group. When par­ti­ci­pants asked ques­tions on spe­cific topics, the coaches were always able to shine with ex­amples they had ex­pe­ri­enced them­selves or de­tailed ex­pl­ana­tions. Ques­tions were ans­wered in great detail so that everyone could un­der­stand the content. The group was small and each person had the chance to present their idea very comfortably.

What has it brought you in terms of your start-up ideas?
Very suc­cessful se­minar for us as beg­inners with no ex­pe­rience. We were able to think more clearly after the se­minar and plan our first steps more con­fi­dently and efficiently.

Nivea Lopes Gust
stay­innow / Ma­nagement Consultancy 

The pro­gramme and the pre-foun­dation as­sessment was the best thing that could have hap­pened to me in my pre-foun­dation phase. For me, it was a stroke of fate that I ended up on this programme.

How did this happy co­in­ci­dence come about? 

I called the start-up centre to en­quire about ad­visory ac­ti­vities and offers. During the phone call, we quickly rea­lised that I al­ready had a lot of know­ledge about the actual start-up and was very far ad­vanced in my pre­pa­ration process. The lady on the phone couldn't offer me any coun­selling from the founders, but re­ferred me to the pre-start-up coa­ching and gave me the contact de­tails of ZGS. She asked me to give them a call and en­quire there. No sooner said than done! When I called ZGS and de­scribed my con­cerns and my business idea, I was given the green light to take part in the coa­ching sessions. 

I asked for the next best as­sessment date and was in­vited to a preli­minary in­terview. After the per­sonal in­terview at ZGS, I was of­fi­cially ac­cepted to take part in the assessment. 

A few days later, I was sitting in my Zoom call and was super ex­cited. What could I expect? What will the other par­ti­ci­pants be like? What will the ex­aminers and the tasks be like, etc.?

On the first day of the as­sessment, I was still re­served and a little shy with my con­tri­bu­tions and ar­gu­ments, which is not in my nature. After all, doing an as­sessment in front of a PC with strangers and not knowing what cri­teria would be used for the test was still strange for me at first. The classic exam si­tuation that everyone knows and pro­bably doesn't like. 

Before the second day started, I was very de­ter­mined to rock the act and win, be­cause after all, there was a lot of money and my future exis­tence at stake here and as a female founder I still de­fi­nitely needed support from ex­perts. So I loo­sened up and became more active. The en­vi­ronment and the ex­aminers also made it easy for me in terms of my nervousness. 

The two ex­aminers, Audrey and Ines, ex­plained the tasks and topics clearly and co­her­ently. As I was al­ready fa­miliar with many of the exam ques­tions from my MBA, I felt con­fident and was able to get more in­volved in the group dis­cus­sions. I felt the same way in the days that fol­lowed. Every day we were given in­te­resting tasks that we had to fulfil within a given time frame. The re­sults were then pre­sented and dis­cussed in the group. The day was very well su­per­vised by the ex­aminers and all open ques­tions were ans­wered to our satisfaction. 

The at­mo­sphere in the group was con­s­tructive, in­s­tructive and sup­portive. We sup­ported and cheered each other up pro­fes­sio­nally and in terms of content. There was no com­pe­titive pressure and no bad at­mo­sphere. As the start-up ideas were all dif­ferent, we were able to support each other well with the help of the ex­aminers. Ul­ti­m­ately, we were all in the same boat with one goal: to found a company and pass the assessment. 

After re­ceiving the funding ap­proval, I was very proud and ful­filled to have passed the pro­gramme. My per­sonal feedback on myself and my company was out­standing, which gave me an extra dose of mo­ti­vation. This process was the first mi­le­stone as an en­tre­preneur in the right direction. 

Looking back, I am very gra­teful for this op­por­tunity that the state of Berlin offers young en­tre­pre­neurs. The whole concept is really well or­ga­nised, from the ap­pli­cation and as­sessment itself to the coa­ching ses­sions. The or­ga­nisers of the pro­gramme are pro­fes­sional and struc­tured. As a young en­tre­preneur, you re­ceive very close gui­dance and won­derful support. 

I can warmly re­commend every single aspiring founder to take ad­vantage of this op­por­tunity and follow this path.

Thinking and acting, re­se­ar­ching and de­ve­loping in­ter­cul­tu­rally across borders