In­stitute He­ritage Studies


Nas­sauische Str. 5
10717 Berlin


Prof Dr Marie-Theres Albert
(In­stitute Di­rector)
Claudia Grünberg
(Deputy Di­rector of the Institute)

Brief de­scription

About the IHS

The In­stitute He­ritage Studies (IHS) is a re­search and science centre that The IHS is a re­search centre that deals with the topic of he­ritage and its di­verse con­s­truc­tions. The main ob­jective of the IHS is to deepen and further de­velop the aca­demic dis­course on he­ritage th­rough inter- and trans­di­sci­plinary re­search ap­proaches and sci­en­tific ac­ti­vities as well as th­rough in­ter­na­tional co-ope­ration. We assume that the world's cul­tures, their tan­gible and in­tan­gible he­ritage and their na­tural he­ritage are human crea­tions and le­gacies that are identity-forming and must the­r­efore be pro­tected. In this re­spect, the IHS places a com­pre­hensive un­der­standing of the he­ritage of mankind at the centre of its re­search and com­mu­ni­cation, which at the same time un­der­stands he­ritage as a po­tential for sus­tainable and human de­ve­lo­pment. This makes it ne­cessary to link cul­tural and social, eco­nomic with eco­lo­gical, tech­nical and po­li­tical aspects in re­search and com­mu­ni­cation and is im­ple­mented ac­cor­dingly by the IHS.

Focal points

The IHS spe­cia­lises in the fol­lowing core areas:

  • Po­si­tioning and sus­tainable an­choring of he­ritage studies in aca­demic discourse.
  • Iden­ti­fi­cation and in­clusion of key topics in he­ritage studies, such as he­ritage pro­tection and use, taking into ac­count global de­ve­lo­p­ments such as climate and de­mo­graphic change, mi­gration or tech­no­lo­gical de­ve­lo­pment, gen­tri­fi­cation and com­mo­di­fi­cation of he­ritage sites, etc.
  • Concept de­ve­lo­pment for va­rious re­qui­re­ments ar­ti­cu­lated in UNESCO con­ven­tions such as "em­powerment", sus­taina­bility, par­ti­ci­pation, com­mu­ni­cation or "ca­pacity building".
  • Ex­pansion of the He­ritage Studies network with partner in­sti­tu­tions worldwide to promote young in­ter­na­tional aca­demics in He­ritage Studies.
  • De­ve­lo­pment of con­cepts and cor­re­sponding ap­pli­ca­tions of he­ritage studies for ge­neral and in­sti­tu­tional edu­cation pro­grammes as well as for further edu­cation, training and ca­pacity building of he­ritage experts.
  • De­ve­lo­pment of cur­ricula for the im­ple­men­tation of Ar­ticles 27 and 28 of the World He­ritage Con­vention, Ar­ticles 14 and 15 of the Con­vention for the Safe­guarding of the In­tan­gible Cul­tural He­ritage and the ar­ticles and ob­jec­tives of the MoW programme.



To achieve its goals, the IHS carries out the fol­lowing activities:


The IHS re­se­arches im­portant de­ve­lo­p­ments and fin­dings in he­ritage studies, com­mu­ni­cates them and de­velops them further. To this end, the va­rious per­cep­tions and con­s­truc­tions of he­ritage – from ma­terial to im­ma­terial to do­cu­mentary, from static to dy­namic, from in­di­vidual to social or cul­tural – are com­mu­ni­cated to people. On the other hand, the as­so­ciated dif­ferent mea­nings of such views of he­ritage are brought home to people them­selves and to so­cieties. One of the im­portant aims of IHS re­search is to do­cument and pu­blicise the worldwide the­matic, content-re­lated and cul­tural di­versity of ap­proaches to he­ritage pro­tection and use. To this end, the sci­en­tific book series "He­ritage Studies" The pro­gramme is created, im­ple­mented and com­mu­ni­cated with basic and ap­pli­cation-ori­ented research.

Spe­cia­lised events

The spe­cialist events or­ga­nised by the IHS are based on the need for aca­de­mi­cally and pro­fes­sio­nally qua­lified spe­cia­lists, junior staff, ma­nagers and te­a­chers for world he­ritage, in­tan­gible he­ritage and do­cu­mentary he­ritage. They are also based on the need for edu­ca­tional con­cepts, cur­ricula for dif­ferent types of schools and model pro­jects to im­plement the sus­tainable edu­cation for dif­ferent target groups called for in the va­rious con­ven­tions and pro­grammes. The IHS fulfils this need for ca­pacity building with a spe­cially trained team of ex­perts in the form of spe­cialist con­fe­rences, think tanks, forums, panel dis­cus­sions, etc.


In 2022, the IHS carried out two fan­tastic pro­jects that raised its profile both na­tio­nally and in­ter­na­tio­nally. Firstly, the 50th an­ni­versary of the World He­ritage Con­vention was ho­noured in co­ope­ration with the Fe­deral Foreign Office and th­rough va­rious events. Se­condly, a project for the sus­tainable pro­tection and pre­ser­vation of World He­ritage sites in and around World He­ritage sites was in­itiated by young people in par­ti­cular and im­ple­mented with the fi­nancial support of the DBU.

  • The high­lights in 2022 in the project to honour the World He­ritage Con­vention were the par­ti­ci­pation of more than 600 people in va­rious events and 90,000+ down­loads of the pu­bli­cation pro­duced for this purpose "50 Years World He­ritage Con­vention: Shared Re­spon­si­bi­lities – Con­flict & Re­con­ci­liation ". The book was ack­now­ledged in every way at the in­ter­na­tional con­fe­rence to mark the 50th an­ni­versary of the Con­vention on 4 No­vember 2022 at the Fe­deral Foreign Office.
  • The project "Young Climate Action for World He­ritage" fi­nally opened up the sus­tainable pro­tection and use of World He­ritage sites to future ge­ne­ra­tions and was the­r­efore sus­tainable in itself. More than 100 stu­dents crea­tively ex­plored climate change at UNESCO World He­ritage sites, opening up new per­spec­tives in this discourse.
Asset 13
Countries are re­pre­sented in the book "50 Years World He­ritage Con­vention: Shared Re­spon­si­bility – Con­flict & Reconciliation"
Asset 52
Down­loads of the book "50 Years World He­ritage Con­vention: Shared Re­spon­si­bility – Con­flict & Reconciliation" 
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Female Teacher
Stu­dents have de­ve­loped their own climate pro­jects at World He­ritage sites as part of the "Young Climate Action for World He­ritage" project
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