Science in the service of people


Our Songs for Rights workshop took place in Berlin from 18 to 22 July 2022. Within 5 days we have

"Young Climate Action for World He­ritage" is an edu­ca­tional project of the In­stitute He­ritage Studies and the German Com­mission for UNESCO. It combines

(2019 – 2021) The project "IN­CLUSION! Ac­tions across boun­daries" seeks to raise awa­reness of young people of the subject inclusion.

(2018 – 2020) The project FAKE OFF! is an Erasmus+ project funded by the Eu­ropean Union. The aim of the

(2018 – 2020) Short de­scription The overall goal of the project was to de­velop, im­plement, and test the "Wel­comeship" model"

The In­stitute for Qua­li­tative Re­search re­gu­larly offers work­shops on qua­li­tative social re­search. The pro­gramme in­cludes work­shops on eth­no­graphy, documentary

FQS is an online journal for qua­li­tative social re­search. Since its launch in 2000, over 2,100 ar­ticles have been pu­blished by authors from all over the world.

Every summer, around 500 people accept the IQF's in­vi­tation to take part in the BMT at Freie Uni­ver­sität Berlin.

In this project, pupils and te­a­chers from UNESCO As­so­ciated Schools in Germany, Poland, the Czech Re­public and Denmark ex­plore their cross-border World He­ritage sites.

This project marks the 50th an­ni­versary of the most suc­cessful in­ter­na­tional con­vention for the pro­tection of the he­ritage of mankind – the World He­ritage Convention.

Since 2016, we, Audrey Hoffmann (Ma­naging Di­rector of INA gGmbH, coach and active in adult edu­cation for over 25 years)

(since 2016) Since autumn 2016, we have been con­ducting ex­ternal eva­lua­tions ac­cording to QuaSi in the Elb­kinder Ver­ei­nigung Ham­burger Kitas daycare centres.

(2020 – 2025) Tog­ether with the Deut­sches Kin­der­hilfswerk e. V., the Kinderwelten/​ISTA spe­cialist unit will form the "Com­pe­tence Network Early Childhood Edu­cation and Edu­cation in

(as of 2020) The KiDs coun­selling centre is aimed at all children in Berlin aged 0 to 12,

In June 2018, the City of Co­logne launched a "quality of­fensive" in all mu­ni­cipal daycare centres and com­mis­sioned the Quality De­ve­lo­pment & Eva­luation de­partment of the ISTA