Science in the service of people


Pre-start-up coa­ching as­sessment in the "Coa­ching before start-up" programme

Since 2016, we, Audrey Hoffmann (Ma­naging Di­rector of INA gGmbH, coach and active in adult edu­cation for over 25 years) and Ines Wanka (coach, coun­sellor and me­diator), have been sup­porting founders in Berlin on their first steps towards self-em­ployment in pre-foun­dation coa­ching as­sess­ments.
The "Coa­ching vor der Gründung" pro­gramme of the Senate De­partment for Labour, Social Af­fairs, Equality, In­te­gration, Di­versity and Anti-Dis­cri­mi­nation offers people who want to start a business the op­por­tunity to qualify for 30 hours of in­di­vidual coa­ching as part of a four-day as­sessment. All ques­tions that arise during a start-up can then be asked there. The coaches provide support in de­ve­loping the market entry strategy, business and fi­nancial plans are drawn up, ques­tions about the unique selling pro­po­sition are cla­rified and work is done on the founder's own per­so­nality.
We got to know se­veral hundred founders at the start of their self-em­ployment, stayed in contact with many of them and ex­pe­ri­enced the ups and downs of the start-up process.

Re­fe­rences and en­cou­raging success stories

Further in­for­mation: https://​www​.zgs​-consult​.de/​a​r​b​e​i​t​/​c​o​a​c​h​i​n​g​-​v​o​r​-​d​e​r​-​g​r​u​e​n​d​u​ng/

The "Coa­ching vor der Gründung" pro­gramme is funded by the Berlin Senate De­partment for Labour, Social Af­fairs, Equality, In­te­gration, Di­versity and Anti-Discrimination.