Science in the service of people


Young Climate Action for World He­ritage com­bines World He­ritage edu­cation and climate change at UNESCO World He­ritage sites in an edu­ca­tional project for young people

"Young Climate Action for World He­ritage" is an edu­ca­tional project of the In­stitute He­ritage Studies and the German Com­mission for UNESCO. It com­bines the topics of UNESCO World He­ritage, edu­cation for sus­tainable de­ve­lo­pment and climate change in an in­no­vative way. At six UNESCO World He­ritage sites, pupils from the network of UNESCO project schools and beyond are working in in­ter­na­tional teams to crea­tively and prac­ti­cally ad­dress the question: How can we take re­spon­si­bility for the sus­tainable pre­ser­vation of World He­ritage sites and the fight against climate change on site?

Find out more here:
