Science in the service of people


FAKE OFF! – Fos­tering Ado­le­s­cents' Know­ledge and Em­powerment in Out­smarting Fake Facts

(2018 - 2020)

The project FAKE OFF! is an Erasmus+ project funded by the Eu­ropean Union. The aim of the project is to foster young people's in­ternet li­teracy, creating awa­reness of in­ten­tional mis­in­for­mation and enable young people to identify "fake news" and to avoid them.

In order to foster in­no­vation in youth work, the project team de­velops a DI­GITAL LEARNING PACKAGE for young people and youth workers. This learning package en­ables youth workers, te­a­chers and young people to im­prove their media li­teracy and foster di­gital com­pe­tences – cri­tical thinking and di­gital well­being. Part of the package is an in­ter­active APP for young people, as well as a RE­SOURCE TOOLBOX WEBSITE. The website in­cludes the TRAINING MA­TERIAL and in­for­mation for youth workers and te­a­chers how to identify fake news and deal with them.
