In­stitute for Youth and Com­munity Em­powerment (IYCE)


Nas­sauische Strasse 5
10717 Berlin


An­gelika Krüger (In­stitute Di­rector)
Jochen Schell (Deputy Di­rector of the Institute)


+49 (0)30 25741725

Con­ceptual ori­en­tation and work profile 

About the IYCE

  1. Foun­dation, de­ve­lo­pment, content profile and main areas of work

The In­stitute for Youth and Com­munity Em­powerment (formerly: In­stitute for Com­munity Edu­cation) is one of the founding in­sti­tutes of the In­ter­na­tionale Aka­demie Berlin gGmbH (INA).
Closely linked to the com­munity de­ve­lo­pment ap­proach and the si­tua­tional ap­proach, the IYCE in­itially de­ve­loped the work of the Com­munity Edu­cation Centres (CEC) for the Fe­deral Re­public of Germany as well as the Eu­ropean Re­gional Office of the In­ter­na­tional Com­munity Edu­cation As­so­ciation (ICEA) which, under the lea­dership of An­gelika Krüger, has been working on the na­tional and in­ter­na­tional im­ple­men­tation of com­munity edu­cation in schools (com­munity school concept) as well as in ex­tra­cur­ri­cular ac­ti­vities since 1989.

As part of the pro­gramme de­ve­loped and im­ple­mented at the Youth Em­powerment Part­nership Pro­gramme (YEPP) (2001–2011) was de­ve­loped by in­cor­po­rating ele­ments of com­munity edu­cation, the si­tua­tional ap­proach and the rights-based ap­proach ("rights-based ap­proach") has de­ve­loped an in­no­vative, ho­listic, multi-di­men­sional concept. This youth em­powerment concept ("Youth and com­munity em­powerment concept") is based on the needs ("needs-based") of young people and aims to provide sus­tainable support for di­s­ad­van­taged children and young people at risk of ex­clusion and the com­mu­nities in which they live. This concept was im­ple­mented in local lo­ca­tions ("YEPP Local Sites") and with new partners in a series of trans­na­tional the­matic pro­jects in many Eu­ropean countries and con­ti­nuously de­ve­loped further.

Since 2012 YEPP EUROPE the work of the Youth Em­powerment Part­nership Pro­gramme and coor­di­nates the YEPP Com­munity Network.

Asset 50
Years of YEPP Europe and YEPP Com­munity Network 
Asset 13
Eu­ropean countries involved
Asset 48
Ci­tizens and com­mu­nities di­rectly in­volved in ac­ti­vities in the last two years
0 +

Vision of a just, equal and sus­tainable in­clusive society 

2. em­powerment – term and concept

For us, em­powerment of young people and com­mu­nities ("Youth & Com­munity Em­powerment") that ci­tizens – in­cluding young people and children – par­ti­cipate in ca­pacity-building op­por­tu­nities and de­cision-making pro­cesses. This sup­ports them in taking control of and shaping their in­di­vidual and coll­ective lives and destinies.

They gain the ability and in­fluence to con­tribute ef­fec­tively to the pro­gress of their com­mu­nities and so­ciety as a whole, building active and sus­tainable com­mu­nities based on the prin­ciples of human rights, social ju­stice and mutual re­spect, so­li­darity and co-ope­ration. It is a ho­listic ap­proach that fo­cuses on six di­men­sions and levels: per­sonal, social, po­li­tical (civic par­ti­ci­pation), eco­nomic, cul­tural and legal empowerment.


For more in­for­mation on the em­powerment concept, see: https://yeppeurope.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Keynote-Angelika-Krüger-Empowerment.pdf




Based on the re­sults of the pre­vious con­sul­tation process, in Ja­nuary 2012 the IYCE de­ve­loped the YEPP In­ter­na­tional Re­source Centre (YEPP IRC) which has been working very suc­cessfully under the auspices of INA gGmbH/​IYCE ever since. In No­vember 2017, the YEPP IRC was renamed YEPP EUROPE renamed.

YEPP EUROPE (www​.yep​p​europe​.org) coor­di­nates, de­velops and sup­ports the YEPP Com­munity Network of YEPP Local Sites and project partners in 20 countries and over 100 mu­ni­ci­pa­lities in Europe. We work to em­power young people and com­mu­nities in di­s­ad­van­taged areas, promote the par­ti­ci­pation of young people and local stake­holders in de­cision-making pro­cesses and support active ci­ti­zenship. We re­co­gnise young people as agents of social change and strive to make their voices heard. To achieve this, we de­velop ca­pacity building pro­grammes for young people and train youth workers to support young people in va­rious areas of in­terest. We also work with mu­ni­ci­pa­lities to shape more youth-fri­endly po­licies and fa­ci­litate trans­na­tional learning and ex­change of local actors in the YEPP com­munity network.


Jochen Schell, Ma­nager
Iva Bubalo, Project Ma­nager
Linn Radtke, Project Ma­nager
An­gelika Klammt, Fi­nance, Ad­mi­nis­tration & Events Of­ficer
Ro­sanna Phillips, Public Re­la­tions Officer

Key ac­ti­vities of YEPP Europe 

To the Tasks of YEPP EUROPE in­cludes, among other things

  • support com­mu­nities in working with the YEPP ap­proach and the cor­re­sponding methods;
  • the YEPP Concept of Change of active youth par­ti­ci­pation and trans-sec­toral part­nership and to im­plement, eva­luate and con­ti­nuously update and de­velop it in a growing number of com­mu­nities in va­rious Eu­ropean countries, taking into ac­count social de­ve­lo­p­ments and challenges;
  • work towards the im­ple­men­tation and per­pe­tuation of youth and com­munity em­powerment in edu­cation policy pro­grammes and plans as well as cor­re­sponding practice in both the public and civil so­ciety sectors;
  • to support the members of the YEPP Com­munity Network th­rough edu­cation and training pro­grammes and new project in­itia­tives with ap­pro­priate learning ma­te­rials (online and offline) and to provide sci­en­tific support in order to promote and con­so­lidate the goals of youth and com­munity em­powerment both lo­cally and internationally;
  • to support local stake­holders, espe­cially young people, in im­proving the si­tuation in their com­munity for the be­nefit of each in­di­vidual and the com­munity as a whole and to achieve jointly de­ve­loped sus­tainable changes.

Project ex­amples

Further in­for­mation about YEPP EUROPE and past and current pro­jects can be found on the website www​.yep​p​europe​.org