Science in the service of people


50 years of the World He­ritage Con­vention: Shared re­spon­si­bility – con­flict and reconciliation

This project takes the 50th an­ni­versary of the most suc­cessful in­ter­na­tional con­vention for the pro­tection of the he­ritage of mankind – the World He­ritage Con­vention – as an op­por­tunity to re­flect on suc­cesses, con­flicts and chal­lenges. Under the aspects of "re­spon­si­bility", "re­con­ci­liation" and "sus­taina­bility", po­tential con­flicts and their avo­idance as well as so­lution stra­tegies will be dis­cussed and de­ve­loped and pu­blished in a book in 2022.