Science in the service of people


Quality cam­paign of the city of Co­logne (since June 2018)

In June 2018, the City of Co­logne launched a "quality of­fensive" in all mu­ni­cipal daycare centres and com­mis­sioned the ISTA's Quality De­ve­lo­pment & Eva­luation de­partment with this project. The aim is to de­velop an in­strument (quality handbook) in a dia­logue-based process tog­ether with te­a­chers, ma­nagers, parents and children as well as the re­levant de­part­ments of the City of Cologne's Youth Welfare Office, which can be used to de­scribe and con­ti­nuously de­velop quality in the daycare centres.

In future, the quality manual will form the pro­fes­sional basis for edu­ca­tional work and its further de­ve­lo­pment in the mu­ni­cipal daycare centres.

De­ve­lo­pment of the quality manual

In autumn 2018, all stake­holders for­mu­lated their re­qui­re­ments and wishes with regard to good daycare centre quality as part of large par­ti­ci­pation forums. In ad­dition, children in ten mu­ni­cipal daycare centres were sur­veyed on this topic. Ob­ser­va­tions, dis­cus­sions and focus groups were used to find out what the children think about their daycare centre, what they like about their everyday life there and what they find less good. In a creative ac­tivity ac­com­panied by dis­cus­sions, the children made their "dream daycare centre" and gave an in­sight into their ideas of suc­cessful everyday life at the daycare centre.

The ISTA staff ana­lysed the re­sults qua­li­ta­tively and sorted them the­ma­ti­cally. Based on the data ma­terial, they then for­mu­lated quality stan­dards and cri­teria tog­ether with the re­pre­sen­ta­tives of the practice, which are per­ceived as im­portant for the practice in Cologne's daycare centres and de­scribe good quality. The result is a quality manual with dif­ferent areas of pe­dago­gical action. The as­signed quality stan­dards and cri­teria are framed by basic theo­re­tical texts that clarify the content-re­lated focus and con­ceptual pro­fes­sional background.

Pilot phase

We are con­ducting the pilot phase from Ja­nuary 2019 to autumn 2019 with 20 mu­ni­cipal daycare centres. We are curr­ently training the ma­nagers of the pilot daycare centres in two mul­ti­plier courses.
The in­ternal eva­luation process pro­vides te­a­chers with a tried and tested tool for re­viewing their pe­dago­gical ac­tions in line with the pro­fes­sio­nally based quality stan­dards and cri­teria of the quality handbook, re­co­g­nising what has al­ready been suc­cessful and ex­ploring im­pulses for further de­ve­lo­pment.
In ad­dition to this, we offer de­ve­lo­pment work­shops for all te­a­chers in which the content of the areas of pe­dago­gical re­spon­si­bility are ex­plored in greater depth.

An in­itial version of the quality manual has been available since autumn 2019.

Im­ple­men­tation phase

From 2020 to 2024, we will fa­mi­liarise all ma­nagers with the in­ternal eva­luation process and thus im­plement the con­tents of the new quality manual. All heads and their per­manent de­puties will gra­dually take part in the mul­ti­plier courses. De­ve­lo­pment work­shops are of­fered for te­a­chers to ac­company the implementation.