Science in the service of people


Open Access journal FQS

FQS is an online journal for qua­li­tative social re­search. Since its launch in 2000, over 2,100 ar­ticles have been pu­blished by authors from all over the world. All ar­ticles are freely ac­ces­sible online.


Some voices

I am ge­nuinely im­pressed by the tho­roughness of the pro­cedure! In my ex­pe­rience as an aca­demic writer, journals rarely make an effort the way FQS does. Kudos for that!
I wanted to em­phasise that I found the col­la­bo­ration to be equally binding, speedy and pleasant. Many paid-for ma­ga­zines can pack their bags.
The depth of co­verage and quality of ma­terial is ex­cep­tional. Thank you for pro­viding a journal which is a de­finite con­tri­bution to the de­ve­lo­pment of qua­li­tative inquiry.