Science in the service of people


Berlin Me­tho­do­lo­gical Meeting Qua­li­tative Re­search (BMT)

Every summer, around 500 people accept the IQF's in­vi­tation to attend the BMT, the largest German-lan­guage event on qua­li­tative re­search, at Freie Uni­ver­sität Berlin. In over 40 re­search work­shops and work­shops, the most im­portant re­pre­sen­ta­tives of qua­li­tative re­search provide in­sights into their re­spective working me­thods, answer me­tho­do­lo­gical and me­tho­do­lo­gical ques­tions and discuss spe­cific re­search con­cerns tog­ether with participants.


Im­pres­sions of the Berlin Method Meeting 2022:

Video do­cu­men­tation 10 years of the Berlin Method Meeting: