Science in the service of people


Com­pe­tence network "Early childhood edu­cation and edu­cation at primary level" in the BMFSFJ fe­deral pro­gramme "Live Democracy!"

(2020 – 2025)

Tog­ether with the Deut­sches Kin­der­hilfswerk e. V., the Kinderwelten/​ISTA spe­cialist unit will form the "Com­pe­tence network for early childhood edu­cation and edu­cation at primary level". The project is part of the "Pro­moting de­mo­cracy" field of action of the BMFSFJ fe­deral pro­gramme "Live de­mo­cracy!" and is sche­duled to run for 5 years. The aim is to raise the profile of daycare centres and after-school care centres as de­mo­cratic places of learning. The com­pe­tence network is tasked with sup­porting spe­cialist practice and the pro­viders of the fa­ci­lities with edu­ca­tional con­cepts, training me­a­sures, ma­te­rials, spe­cialist events, coun­selling ser­vices and prac­tical research.

The plan is to network with the model pro­jects for the pro­motion of de­mo­cracy in childhood, which are also funded by the BMFSFJ. Overall, the aim is to provide im­petus for the re­gular practice of daycare centres and school childcare fa­ci­lities, to which we, as sponsors of the com­pe­tence network, con­tribute our re­spective pro­fes­sional per­spec­tives: The Deut­sches Kin­der­hilfswerk e. V. (DKHW) stands for children's rights-based de­mo­cracy edu­cation with a focus on children's rights edu­cation and child par­ti­ci­pation, we as the Kinderwelten/​ISTA spe­cialist centre stand for the ap­proach of pre­judice-con­scious edu­cation and up­bringing© with a focus on in­clusion, di­versity and pro­tection against discrimination.

The project is co-fi­nanced by the Berlin Senate De­partment for Edu­cation, Youth and Family.

Website: www​.kom​pe​tenz​netzwerk​-deki​.de