
Young Climate Action for World He­ritage com­bines World He­ritage edu­cation and climate change at UNESCO World He­ritage sites in an edu­ca­tional project for young people

"Young Climate Action for World He­ritage" is an edu­ca­tional project of the In­stitute He­ritage Studies and the German Com­mission for UNESCO. It com­bines the topics of UNESCO World He­ritage, edu­cation for sus­tainable de­ve­lo­pment and climate change in an in­no­vative way. At six UNESCO World He­ritage sites, pupils from the network of UNESCO project schools and beyond are working in in­ter­na­tional teams to ad­dress the issue in a creative and action-ori­en­tated way:

Young Climate Action for World He­ritage com­bines World He­ritage edu­cation and climate change at UNESCO World He­ritage sites in an edu­ca­tional project for young people Read More »

IN­CLUSION! Ac­tions across boundaries

(2019 – 2021) The project "IN­CLUSION! Ac­tions across boun­daries" seeks to raise awa­reness of young people of the subject in­clusion. The current rise of right-wing po­pulism in Eu­ropean po­litics makes pro­pa­ganda and mis­in­for­mation an easy tool to target youth in the social media. In this context, it seems ne­cessary to high­light Eu­ropean values and embrace

IN­CLUSION! Ac­tions across boun­daries Read More »

FAKE OFF! – Fos­tering Ado­le­s­cents' Know­ledge and Em­powerment in Out­smarting Fake Facts

(2018 – 2020) The project FAKE OFF! is an Erasmus+ project funded by the Eu­ropean Union. The aim of the project is to foster young people's in­ternet li­teracy, creating awa­reness of in­ten­tional mis­in­for­mation and enable young people to identify "fake news" and to avoid them. In order to foster in­no­vation in youth work, the project

FAKE OFF! – Fos­tering Ado­le­s­cents' Know­ledge and Em­powerment in Out­smarting Fake Facts Read More »

WEL­COMESHIP – Building in­clusive com­mu­nities th­rough com­munity-based entrepreneurship

(2018 – 2020) Short de­scription The overall goal of the project was to de­velop, im­plement, and test the "Wel­comeship" model" – a model of en­tre­pre­neurship learning for young people with fewer op­por­tu­nities, in­cluding young mi­grants and local youth. The "Wel­comeship" model was based on non-formal learning me­thods and col­la­bo­rative practice. It aimed to strengthen the

WEL­COMESHIP – Building in­clusive com­mu­nities th­rough com­munity-based en­tre­pre­neurship Read More »

Work­shops on qua­li­tative social research

The In­stitute for Qua­li­tative Re­search re­gu­larly offers work­shops on qua­li­tative social re­search. The pro­gramme in­cludes work­shops on eth­no­graphy, the do­cu­mentary method, grounded theory me­tho­dology, in­tro­duction to qua­li­tative re­search, qua­li­tative content ana­lysis, qua­li­tative in­ter­views and many more. In ad­dition to work­shops at the in­stitute, we also or­ganise on-site work­shops at in­viting in­sti­tu­tions on request.

Work­shops on qua­li­tative social re­search Read More »

Open Access journal FQS

FQS is an online journal for qua­li­tative social re­search. Since its launch in 2000, over 2,100 ar­ticles have been pu­blished by authors from all over the world. All ar­ticles are freely ac­ces­sible online. www​.qua​li​tative​-re​search​.net

Open Access journal FQS Read More »

Berlin Me­tho­do­lo­gical Meeting Qua­li­tative Re­search (BMT)

Every summer, around 500 people accept the IQF's in­vi­tation to attend the BMT, the largest German-lan­guage event on qua­li­tative re­search, at Freie Uni­ver­sität Berlin. In over 40 re­search work­shops and work­shops, the most im­portant re­pre­sen­ta­tives of qua­li­tative re­search provide in­sights into their re­spective working me­thods, answer me­tho­do­lo­gical and me­tho­do­lo­gical ques­tions and discuss together

Berlin Me­tho­do­lo­gical Meeting Qua­li­tative Re­search (BMT) Read More »

Trans­boundary Eu­ropean World He­ritage – a topic for UNESCO project schools

In this project, pupils and te­a­chers from UNESCO project schools in Germany, Poland, the Czech Re­public and Denmark ex­plored their cross-border World He­ritage sites. In bi­na­tional work­shops, the pupils pro­duced their own videos, which were pu­blished on a learning platform on cross-border World He­ritage sites:

Trans­boundary Eu­ropean World He­ritage – a topic for UNESCO project schools Read More »

50 years of the World He­ritage Con­vention: Shared re­spon­si­bility – con­flict and reconciliation

This project takes the 50th an­ni­versary of the most suc­cessful in­ter­na­tional con­vention for the pro­tection of humanity's he­ritage – the World He­ritage Con­vention – as an op­por­tunity to re­flect on suc­cesses, con­flicts and chal­lenges. Under the aspects of "re­spon­si­bility", "re­con­ci­liation" and "sus­taina­bility", po­tential con­flicts and their avo­idance as well as so­lution stra­tegies will be dis­cussed and de­ve­loped and pu­blished in a book in 2022.

50 years of the World He­ritage Con­vention: Shared re­spon­si­bility – con­flict and re­con­ci­liation Read More »

Pre-start-up coa­ching as­sessment in the "Coa­ching before start-up" programme

Since 2016, we, Audrey Hoffmann (Ma­naging Di­rector of INA gGmbH, coach and active in adult edu­cation for over 25 years) and Ines Wanka (coach, con­sultant and me­diator), have been sup­porting Berlin founders on their first steps into self-em­ployment in the Pre-Foun­dation Coa­ching Assessment.The "Pre-Foun­dation Coa­ching" pro­gramme of the Senate De­partment for Labour, Social Af­fairs, Equality, In­te­gration, Di­versity and Anti-Dis­cri­mi­nation offers

Pre-start-up coa­ching as­sessment in the "Coa­ching before start-up" pro­gramme Read More »

Ex­ternal eva­luation Elb­kinder As­so­ciation Hamburg

(since 2016) Since autumn 2016, we have been con­ducting ex­ternal eva­lua­tions in the Elb­kinder Ver­ei­nigung Ham­burger Kitas daycare centres in ac­cordance with QuaSi on the provider's quality pro­mises. We started with a pilot phase in twelve daycare centres and have since used our ex­tended ex­ternal eva­luation pro­cedure in more than 60 centres.

Ex­ternal eva­luation Elb­kinder As­so­ciation Hamburg Read More »