In­for­mation on

Appeal for do­na­tions after severe ear­th­quakes in Turkey and Syria

The em­ployees of INA Berlin gGmbH are deeply sad­dened by the human suf­fering and de­vas­tating de­s­truction caused by the ear­th­quake in Turkey and Syria. Our thoughts are with those af­fected on the ground. We also sym­pa­thise with our col­le­agues who have fa­milies and re­la­tives in the ear­th­quake re­gions. Our help will con­tinue for many […]

Appeal for do­na­tions after severe ear­th­quakes in Turkey and Syria Read More »

Daycare centres must protect children's rights!

In 2000, the fol­lowing was laid down in the German Civil Code: "Children have the right to a non-violent up­bringing. Phy­sical pu­nish­ments, psy­cho­lo­gical in­juries and other de­grading me­a­sures are not per­mitted" (Section 1631 (2) BGB). Vio­lence against children has many faces. In daycare centres, children ex­pe­rience dif­ferent forms of everyday vio­lence: for ex­ample, coercion, such as when they have to taste or eat something.

Daycare centres must protect children's rights! Read More »

"What moves" 2022 – The EHV-IMK Congress

The In­stitute for Me­diative Com­mu­ni­cation and Di­versity Com­pe­tence (IMK) at INA gGmbH is or­ga­nising an online con­gress with its co­ope­ration partner, the Eu­ropean Uni­versity As­so­ciation (EHV). Whether you are in­te­rested in me­diation, coa­ching or training, have com­pleted one of our spe­cia­lised training courses or are al­ready working in this field. Under this year's motto WAS BEWEGT – Re­sources, Mo­tives, Needs,

"What moves" 2022 – The EHV-IMK Con­gress Read More »

We mourn the loss of our col­league Dr Christa Preissing, founding member and long-standing Pre­sident of INA gGmbH

Dear col­le­agues, we were deeply sad­dened to learn that our es­teemed col­league Dr Christa Preissing passed away un­ex­pec­tedly. She was in­stru­mental in the founding of the In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin – INA gGmbH in 1996 and played a key role in shaping INA gGmbH with her com­mitment and many years of work on the Exe­cutive Board. We mourn the loss of a va­luable person.

We mourn the loss of our col­league Dr Christa Preissing, founding member and long-standing Pre­sident of INA gGmbH Read More »

The si­tua­tional ap­proach – ho­listic pe­dagogy today! Katrin Macha in an in­terview with #Ki­ta­helden 02/2021

An­dreas Ebenhöh #Ki­ta­helden talks to INA Vice Pre­sident and Di­rector of the In­stitute for the Si­tua­tional Ap­proach (ISTA) Katrin Macha about the ho­listic si­gni­fi­cance of the si­tua­tional ap­proach. Tog­ether, they shed light on the at­titude un­der­lying the ap­proach, scru­tinise the re­sources and skills re­quired for it and carry out a reality check. What exactly does the si­tua­tional ap­proach ac­tually mean (and what does it not mean)? How can it be ap­plied in

The si­tua­tional ap­proach – ho­listic pe­dagogy today! Katrin Macha in an in­terview with #Ki­ta­helden 02/2021 Read More »