Current media con­tri­bu­tions from INA

Press and media

The si­tua­tional ap­proach – ho­listic pe­dagogy today! Katrin Macha in an in­terview with #Ki­ta­helden 02/2021

An­dreas Ebenhöh #Ki­ta­helden talks to the Vice Pre­sident of the INA and Di­rector of the In­stitute for the Si­tua­tional Ap­proach (ISTA) Katrin Macha about the ho­listic si­gni­fi­cance of the si­tua­tional ap­proach. Tog­ether, they ex­amine the at­titude un­der­lying the ap­proach, scru­tinise the re­sources and skills re­quired for it and carry out a reality check. What exactly does the si­tua­tional ap­proach mean (and what does it not mean)? How can it be lived and rea­lised in everyday daycare? What chal­lenges and op­por­tu­nities does the si­tua­tional ap­proach present?