Press / Media

Do­cu­men­tation on the ce­le­bratory week "10 years of the Berlin Edu­cation Pro­gramme" with the In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin 09/2014

Launched in 2004 by the In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin under the di­rection of Dr Christa Preissing, the Berlin Edu­cation Pro­gramme has since been making an impact for the youngest, smallest children and their fa­milies for good edu­cation, up­bringing and care of children in daycare fa­ci­lities. Tog­ether with Berlin's Se­nator for Edu­cation Sandra Scheeres and num­erous guests, on 22 Sep­tember 2014 […]

Do­cu­men­tation on the ce­le­bratory week "10 years of the Berlin Edu­cation Pro­gramme" with the In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin 09/2014 Read More »

In­terview with Petra Wagner, Head of the Children's Worlds Unit for Pre­judice-Aware Edu­cation and Up­bringing at the ISTA at the In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin, in the "TAZ" of 23 No­vember 2016

Children from a wide va­riety of family back­grounds come tog­ether in daycare centres. Time and again, even young children ex­pe­rience dis­cri­mi­nation and mar­gi­na­li­sation. Petra Wagner from the Kin­der­welten spe­cialist centre for pre­judice-con­scious edu­cation and up­bringing ex­plains in an in­terview why it is im­portant to clearly name group-re­lated mis­an­thropy and ad­dress it with the children at daycare centres. Daycare centre teams re­ceive support from the training courses of­fered by the

In­terview with Petra Wagner, Head of the Children's Worlds Unit for Pre­judice-Aware Edu­cation and Up­bringing at the ISTA at the In­ter­na­tional Academy Berlin, in the "TAZ" of 23 No­vember 2016 Read More »

The si­tua­tional ap­proach – ho­listic pe­dagogy today! Katrin Macha in an in­terview with #Ki­ta­helden 02/2021

An­dreas Ebenhöh #Ki­ta­helden talks to INA Vice Pre­sident and Di­rector of the In­stitute for the Si­tua­tional Ap­proach (ISTA) Katrin Macha about the ho­listic si­gni­fi­cance of the si­tua­tional ap­proach. Tog­ether, they shed light on the at­titude un­der­lying the ap­proach, scru­tinise the re­sources and skills re­quired for it and carry out a reality check. What exactly does the si­tua­tional ap­proach ac­tually mean (and what does it not mean)? How can it be ap­plied in

The si­tua­tional ap­proach – ho­listic pe­dagogy today! Katrin Macha in an in­terview with #Ki­ta­helden 02/2021 Read More »