Work­shops on qua­li­tative social research

The In­stitute for Qua­li­tative Re­search re­gu­larly offers work­shops on qua­li­tative social re­search. The pro­gramme in­cludes work­shops on eth­no­graphy, the do­cu­mentary method, grounded theory me­tho­dology, in­tro­duction to qua­li­tative re­search, qua­li­tative content ana­lysis, qua­li­tative in­ter­views and many more. In ad­dition to work­shops at the in­stitute, we also or­ganise on-site work­shops at in­viting in­sti­tu­tions on request.

Work­shops on qua­li­tative social re­search Read More »

Open Access journal FQS

FQS is an online journal for qua­li­tative social re­search. Since its launch in 2000, over 2,100 ar­ticles have been pu­blished by authors from all over the world. All ar­ticles are freely ac­ces­sible online. www​.qua​li​tative​-re​search​.net

Open Access journal FQS Read More »

Berlin Me­tho­do­lo­gical Meeting Qua­li­tative Re­search (BMT)

Every summer, around 500 people accept the IQF's in­vi­tation to attend the BMT, the largest German-lan­guage event on qua­li­tative re­search, at Freie Uni­ver­sität Berlin. In over 40 re­search work­shops and work­shops, the most im­portant re­pre­sen­ta­tives of qua­li­tative re­search provide in­sights into their re­spective working me­thods, answer me­tho­do­lo­gical and me­tho­do­lo­gical ques­tions and discuss together

Berlin Me­tho­do­lo­gical Meeting Qua­li­tative Re­search (BMT) Read More »