


Berlin Kita In­stitute for Quality De­ve­lo­pment (ed.)
He­althy from daycare to school: sup­porting children and fa­milies during the tran­sition. Gui­de­lines for edu­cators in daycare centres and schools. Berlin 2021,

Dietrich, Marc; Leser, Irene; Mruck, Katja; Ruppel, Paul S.; Schwen­tesius, Anja & Vock, Rubina (eds.)
En­coun­tering, moving and creating syn­ergies. Trans­di­sci­plinary con­tri­bu­tions to cul­tures, per­for­mances and me­thods. Wies­baden: Springer VS 2021

Fuhrmann, Laura; Mey, Günter; Stamann, Christoph & Janssen, Markus
Re­search work­shops as places for ac­quiring key com­pe­tences
In: Alexa Maria Kunz, Günter Mey, Jürgen Raab & Felix Al­brecht (eds.), Qua­li­tativ For­schen als Schlüs­sel­qua­li­fi­kation. Pre­mises – Prac­tices – Per­spec­tives (pp.175–200). Weinheim: Beltz Ju­venta 2021

Kalk­stein, Fiona & Mey, Günter
Me­thods at the centre! Me­thods in the centre? Po­ten­tials and limits of uni­versity method centres for the ex­pansion of qua­li­tative method training. Forum Qua­li­tative So­zi­al­for­schung / Forum: Qua­li­tative Social Re­search, 22(2), Art 26. 2021,

Kanter, Heike & Mey, Günter et al.
Chal­lenges of teaching/​learning qua­li­tative re­search me­thods. Re­qui­re­ments, spe­cifics and so­lu­tions for the ac­qui­sition of key qua­li­fi­ca­tions at uni­ver­sities of ap­plied sci­ences
In: Alexa Maria Kunz, Günter Mey, Jürgen Raab & Felix Al­brecht (eds.), Qua­li­tativ For­schen als Schlüs­sel­qua­li­fi­kation. Pre­mises – Prac­tices – Per­spec­tives (pp.26–51). Weinheim: Beltz Ju­venta 2021

Kunz, Alexa Maria; Mey, Günter, Raab, Jürgen & Al­brecht, Felix (eds.)
Qua­li­tative re­search as a key qua­li­fi­cation. Pre­mises – Prac­tices – Per­spec­tives Weinheim: Beltz Ju­venta 2021

Meissner, Marlen
In­tan­gible Cul­tural He­ritage and Sus­tainable De­ve­lo­pment: The Va­lo­ri­sation of He­ritage Prac­tices, He­ritage Studies Series,
Springer pu­bli­shing house 2021

Mey, Günter (ed.)
Art in the Altmark . Seeing dif­fer­ently – 17 ar­tists in dia­logue Halle: Mit­tel­deut­scher Verlag 2021

Mey, Günter
Qua­li­tative re­search always takes place in groups. It's not easy, but it's pro­ductive – re­flec­tions on the "qua­li­tative work project workshop".
In: Heike Ohl­brecht, Carsten Detka & Sandra Tiefel (eds.), Anselm Strauss – Werk, Ak­tua­lität und Po­ten­tiale. More than just grounded theory (pp.125–144). Op­laden: Barbara Budrich 2021

Mey, Günter
Thinking qua­li­tative re­search per­for­ma­tively.
In: Elena Pi­lipets & Mat­thias Wieser (eds.), Media Culture as Cri­tical Social Ana­lysis (Series: Everyday Life, Media and Culture, Vol. 18; pp.135–150). Co­logne: Halem 2021

Mey, Günter
Young people in rural re­gions – youth re­search in the pe­ri­phery.
In: Dis­course on Childhood and Youth Re­search, 16(3), 375–380. 2019,

Mey, Günter & Hnatek, Ines
Ex­plo­ra­tions of an ar­tistic land­scape. In­tro­ductory re­marks on the ex­hi­bition project "Art in the Altmark . Seeing dif­fer­ently"
In: Günter Mey (ed.), Art in the Altmark . Seeing dif­fer­ently – 17 ar­tists in dia­logue (pp.7–17). Halle: Mit­tel­deut­scher Verlag 2021

Mey, Günter & Reimer-Gord­inskaya, Katrin
"We are not coding ma­chines" – po­si­tions and po­ten­tials of grounded theory me­tho­dology.
In: Forum Qua­li­tative So­zi­al­for­schung / Forum: Qua­li­tative Social Re­search, 22(2), Art. 10. 2021,
http://​dx​.doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​7​1​6​9​/​f​q​s​-​2​2​.​2​.​3​710 [up­dated re­print from FKP Neue Folge, 2]

Mey, Günter; Reimer-Gord­inskaya, Katrin; Kalk­stein, Fiona; Zander, Mi­chael & Dietrich, Marc
Grounded Theory Me­tho­dology and Cri­tical Psy­chology – A Dis­cussion
In: Forum Cri­tical Psy­chology – New Series, 3, 113–131. 2021

Raab, Jürgen; Mey, Günter; Kunz, Alexa Maria & Al­brecht, Felix
Qua­li­tative re­search and key qua­li­fi­ca­tions – In­tro­ductory re­marks
In: Alexa Maria Kunz, Günter Mey, Jürgen Raab & Felix Al­brecht (eds.), Qua­li­tativ For­schen als Schlüs­sel­qua­li­fi­kation. Pre­mises – Prac­tices – Per­spec­tives (pp.7–23). Weinheim: Beltz Ju­venta 2021


Ber­liner Kita-In­stitut für Qua­li­täts­ent­wicklung (ed.)Gesund von der Kita in die

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Ber­liner Kita-In­stitut für Qua­li­täts­ent­wicklung (ed.)Concept for work in multi-pro­fes­sional day-care centres

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