


Albert, Marie-Theres; Ber­necker, Roland; Cave, Claire; Prodan, Anca Claudia & Ripp, Mat­thias (eds.)
50 Years World He­ritage Con­vention: Shared Re­spon­si­bility – Con­flict & Re­con­ci­liation. Cham: Springer 2022. series He­ritage Studies.
Open­Access CC BY https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978–3‑031–05660‑4

Grünberg, Claudia
The edu­ca­tional mandate of the World He­ritage Con­vention and edu­cation for sus­tainable de­ve­lo­pment. In: En­vi­ron­mental and cul­tural he­ritage pro­tection – The funding priority of the German Fe­deral En­vi­ron­mental Foun­dation, DBU 2022, Link: https://heritagestudies.eu/youngclimateaction/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2022/10/Umwelt-und-Kulturgueterschutz‑1.pdf

Grünberg, Claudia; Zehbe, Klaus-Christian
World He­ritage Edu­cation and the Next 50 Years of the Con­vention: Current Pit­falls and Future Po­ten­tials of World He­ritage Edu­cation, In: Marie-Theres Albert, Roland Ber­necker, Claire Cave, Anca Claudia Prodan, Mat­thias Ripp: 50 Years World He­ritage Con­vention: Shared Re­spon­si­bility – Con­flict & Re­con­ci­liation, Springer, 2022

Macha, Katrin
Si­tua­ti­ons­ansatz [online]. so­cialnet Le­xikon. Bonn: so­cialnet 2022 [ac­cessed on: 15 No­vember 2022],

Mey, Günter
Qua­li­tative Me­tho­dology
In: Jörg Zumbach, Douglas A. Bern­stein, Su­sanne Narciss & Giu­seppina Marsico (eds.), In­ter­na­tional Handbook of Psy­chology Learning and Tea­ching. New York: Springer 2022.
[in col­la­bo­ration with Paul Se­bastian Ruppel] Online First: https://doi.org/10.1007/978–3‑030–26248-8_22‑2

Mey, Günter
Qua­li­tative re­search. Open access and com­munity building
In: Hubert Ertl & Bodo Rödl (Eds.), Open Con­texts. Open access in vo­ca­tional edu­cation and training re­search (pp.129–141). Bonn: Fe­deral In­stitute for Vo­ca­tional Edu­cation and Training 2022.

Mey, Günter
Ex­hibit In­ter­views. Re­flec­tions on Pre­senting Qua­li­tative Data in Sci­en­tific Ex­hi­bi­tions.
In: Kip Jones (ed.), Doing Per­for­mative Social Science. Crea­tivity in Doing Re­search and Rea­ching Com­mu­nities (pp.133–146). London: Rout­ledge 2022.

Mey, Günter
Art as an offer to see and think. In­tro­duction to the ex­hi­bition "Mythos Wasser" by An­gelika Flaig
In: An­gelika Flaig, The myth of water. Ex­hi­bition ca­ta­logue, ex­hi­bition in the Mag­deburg state par­liament, 26.4.–24.6.2022 (pp.17–21)

Mey, Günter
Per­for­mative social science – de­signing qua­li­tative re­search with ar­tistic means
In: Forum Wis­sen­schaft, 39(4) [Focus issue 4/2022:
Science and Art], 8–11.

Ripp, Mat­thias
A meta-model for he­ritage-based urban de­ve­lo­pment – ac­ti­vating sus­tainable de­ve­lo­pment th­rough urban cul­tural he­ritage.
He­ritage Studies series.
Springer 2022.

Ruppel, Paul Se­bastian & Mey, Günter (Eds.) Psy­cho­logies in dia­logue
In: Journal für Psy­cho­logie, 30(1), 1–130. Giessen: Psy­cho­sozial Verlag 2022.

Urban, Mat­thias; Macha, Katrin
Rethinking early childhood edu­cation. Ap­proaches to a sys­temic tur­n­around.
In L. Schindler & U. Pohlmann (Eds.), Halt(ungen) im Wandel – Qua­lität im Diskurs, Vol. 17, pp. 12–35). German As­so­ciation for Public and Private Welfare 2022

Welzer, Harald & Mey, Günter
"We don't do shit!" – Harald Welzer and Günter Mey in dia­logue.
Journal of Psy­chology, 30(1). 111–130. Giessen: Psy­cho­sozial Verlag 2022.


Ber­liner Kita-In­stitut für Qua­li­täts­ent­wicklung (ed.)Gesund von der Kita in die

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Ber­liner Kita-In­stitut für Qua­li­täts­ent­wicklung (ed.)Concept for work in multi-pro­fes­sional day-care centres

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