Wissenschaft im Dienste der Menschen


WEL­COMESHIP – Building in­clusive com­mu­nities th­rough com­munity-based entrepreneurship

(2018 – 2020)

Short de­scription

The overall goal of the project was to de­velop, im­plement, and test the “Wel­comeship” model” – a model of en­tre­pre­neurship learning for young people with fewer op­por­tu­nities, in­cluding young mi­grants and local youth. The “Wel­comeship” model was based on non-formal learning me­thods and col­la­bo­rative practice. It aimed to strengthen the in­ter­action of locals and new­comers, ad­dress the fears and pre­ju­dices and foster com­munity spirit as an over­ar­ching goal. Local youth and young mi­grants de­ve­loped en­tre­pre­neurial ideas to ad­dress com­munity issues and built part­ner­ships with stake­holders to bring about po­sitive change in the local com­mu­nities. This col­la­bo­ration was in­tended to lead to openness, to­le­rance, and an at­mo­sphere of tog­e­therness in the com­munity. Ul­ti­m­ately, the “Wel­comeship” model aimed at be­coming a tool for in­clusive communities.

It com­bined four pillars:
1. Opening Minds & Doors: building trust, over­coming pre­ju­dices and fears and fos­tering the welcome culture in the local com­munity th­rough joint ac­ti­vities, also with local young people.
2. Com­munity-Based En­tre­pre­neurship Learning: streng­thening young people’s en­tre­pre­neurial skills.
3. Action & Com­munity Part­ner­ships: building part­ner­ships to im­plement en­tre­pre­neurial pro­jects and mo­bi­lising local re­sources.
4. Ad­vocacy for in­clusive com­mu­nities: dis­se­mi­nating the working ap­proach and po­sitive ex­amples at the local, na­tional and EU level th­rough online so­lu­tions and face-to-face meetings.

This project was funded by the ERASMUS+ Pro­gramme of the Eu­ropean Union. It was im­ple­mented by the con­sortium of nine partners from Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Por­tugal, Sweden and UK and coor­di­nated by YEPP EUROPE.
