„Gegen Mobber“ – Songs for Rights Rap

Vom 18. bis 22. Juli 2022 fand unser Songs for Rights-Workshop in Berlin statt. In­nerhalb von 5 Tagen haben wir uns in­tensiv mit den Kin­der­rechten aus­ein­an­der­ge­setzt, unser Wissen ver­festigt, uns für unsere ei­genen Rechte stark ge­macht und un­seren ei­genen Rap-Song zum Thema Mobbing und Dis­kri­mi­nierung ge­schrieben. Schaut euch un­seren Song "Gegen Mobber" an und lasst […]

„Gegen Mobber“ – Songs for Rights Rap Weiterlesen »

IN­CLUSION! Ac­tions across boundaries

(2019 – 2021) The project “IN­CLUSION! Ac­tions across boun­daries” seeks to raise awa­reness of young people of the subject in­clusion. The current rise of right-wing po­pulism in Eu­ropean po­litics makes pro­pa­ganda and mis­in­for­mation an easy tool to target youth in the social media. In this context, it seems ne­cessary to high­light Eu­ropean values and em­brace democratic

IN­CLUSION! Ac­tions across boundaries Weiterlesen »

FAKE OFF! – Fos­tering Ado­le­s­cents’ Know­ledge and Em­powerment in Out­smarting Fake Facts

(2018 – 2020) The project FAKE OFF! is an Erasmus+ project funded by the Eu­ropean Union. The aim of the project is to foster young people’s in­ternet li­teracy, creating awa­reness of in­ten­tional mis­in­for­mation and enable young people to identify “fake news” and to avoid them. In order to foster in­no­vation in youth work, the project team

FAKE OFF! – Fos­tering Ado­le­s­cents’ Know­ledge and Em­powerment in Out­smarting Fake Facts Weiterlesen »

WEL­COMESHIP – Building in­clusive com­mu­nities th­rough com­munity-based entrepreneurship

(2018 – 2020) Short de­scription The overall goal of the project was to de­velop, im­plement, and test the “Wel­comeship” model” – a model of en­tre­pre­neurship learning for young people with fewer op­por­tu­nities, in­cluding young mi­grants and local youth. The “Wel­comeship” model was based on non-formal learning me­thods and col­la­bo­rative practice. It aimed to strengthen the

WEL­COMESHIP – Building in­clusive com­mu­nities th­rough com­munity-based entrepreneurship Weiterlesen »