Wissenschaft im Dienste der Menschen


IN­CLUSION! Ac­tions across boundaries

(2019 – 2021)

The project “IN­CLUSION! Ac­tions across boun­daries” seeks to raise awa­reness of young people of the subject in­clusion. The current rise of right-wing po­pulism in Eu­ropean po­litics makes pro­pa­ganda and mis­in­for­mation an easy tool to target youth in the social media. In this context, it seems ne­cessary to high­light Eu­ropean values and em­brace de­mo­cratic prin­ciples, such as so­li­darity and to­le­rance, as well as to discuss what is social ex­clusion, what are the dis­cri­mi­nated groups, and what prac­tical so­lu­tions can foster more in­clusion in the local Eu­ropean com­mu­nities to ensure equal rights and op­por­tu­nities to everyone re­gardless of na­tio­nality, culture, gender, (dis)ability, sexual ori­en­tation, age, po­li­tical and re­li­gious be­liefs. In this project, young people become agents of change th­rough dia­logue with stake­holders, peer learning, planning and the im­ple­men­tation of local pro­jects which con­tribute to more in­clusion in their community.

Young people ex­change their per­sonal ex­pe­ri­ences in two in­ter­na­tional youth mee­tings in Berlin, Germany, and Athens, Greece, and are sup­ported in the de­ve­lo­pment of their project ideas which target local issues and chal­lenges. At the end of the project, they present the re­sults of their in­itia­tives to local stake­holders at local ver­nissage and discuss the fin­dings with the local com­munity. Ver­nissage would open with an in­ter­na­tional photo ex­hi­bition fea­turing pic­tures from eleven countries on the subject inclusion.
